Reply 1988 – The ordinary and relatable life on screen

               The 20 episodes of the series mainly revolved around the ordinary but fun story of childhood friends, Deok-Sun, Choi Taek, Jung Hwan, Sun Woo, and Dong Ryong. Reply1988 also dived into family dramas, parental problems, sibling conflict, and the relatable ups and downs of our daily lives.

               It was about growing up and growing out of things we were once used to, and how eventually everything will be nothing but a memory, no matter how happy those times were. If you’re in your 20s, the series will give you extreme nostalgia of your youth. The comedy-drama show covered school crushes and frustrations, the bond of good friendship and the challenge of keeping a bond between parent and child, family financial struggles, single parenting, even tackled menopausal challenges.

Image Source: Reply 1988 (2015) (

               I especially love that it highlights the transition of technology, music, and even makeup throughout the years as they grew up. Those small details would make you feel like as if you grew up with them. I didn’t grow up during the late 80s, but it was interesting to watch their excitement of going through different TV channels and its capability to watch Hollywood films and sport events. It was fun to see fashion trends take over their wardrobe and makeup (orange lipstick, anyone?), just like how it is until now.

               Reply1988 is mostly recommendable to teens and young adults as I believe they would get the most feels out of watching the series. This slice of life drama will always have a special place in my heart as it’s now my all-time favorite K-Drama, knocking off “The Heirs” which is now on second place.

               The episodes were a good hour’s worth of laughter, learnings, heartwarming moments and even tears towards the later episodes. Not to mention the kilig of the classic love triangle and two-boys-fighting-over-the-lead-girl plot. It’s a world you can escape into for comfort after a long day, making you appreciate where you are now and if you can, to romanticize your ordinary life, even just a little bit.

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