Disclaimer & Privacy Policy

This policy is valid from 24th September, 2022.

© The Mintly Pen is a personal blog written, edited and published by the blog owner, Edline. All written blog posts and images are copyrighted to the blog owner unless otherwise stated via citation on the post itself.

Comments Disclaimer

Upon leaving a comment on a post, a submission of personal information (name and email address) is required. The information collected are solely for the purposes of:

  • Posting the comment, or
  • to contact the user for any concern related to the comment only.

This information will not be used for anything else other than the mentioned above.

Comments will be removed due to following, but not limited to, reasons:

  • Comments consisting of profanity.
  • Comments that include topics or links unrelated to the post.
  • Comments deemed as spam or offensive.

The owner of this blog reserves the right to edit or delete any comments submitted to this blog without notice.

This policy is subject to change at any time. These changes are effective immediately, after they are posted on this page.

For any questions or concerns, send an email to inquiries@themintlypen.com.